Monday, October 20, 2008

I feel as if a part of me is gone

How long's it been? Nearly a month now?

Sorry about the lack of reviews. I have no excuse for myself, and the only excuse I can think of for Caroline is that she is always slack like this. And that she has books I lent her months ago still on a shelf dedicated to me, unread (oh, how I love it). But I can tell you the reason is one-hundred-percent NOT becuase of a lack of books. No, we have plenty to read. In fact, I feel as if my life has been engulfed in books. Not a bad thing, I tell you. I've been moving from book to book and not giving myself time to review them. I'm sort of planning on just shoving myself back into the literary world and forcing myself to review Becoming Chloe by Catherine Ryan Hyde (amazing, if I do say so myself). But...I don't know. It's a very high possibility that shoving won't occur for some time. I've read many books since I seemingly abandoned Plenty of Paper, just having made myself review them. I will, though, soon (I hope).

I also hope that Caroline will bring forth a review of the many books she has read, too, because I just love reading what she has to say. I'm sure you do, too, don't you? She has a way with words I've yet to master, and I'm hoping she'll grace us here with her presence once more in the near future (and I'll be sure to tell her that either tonight or tomorrow at school).
So thanks for those of you who still read our lovely blog. Thanks for your patience, your loyalty, and most of all, your bookwormness.
Heather, your long lost reviewer.
Also, is anyone else just a tad bit sad that the Paper Towns Countdown has been completed? I mean, I'm happy the wait is over (even though mine was over a little while ago) but really? It's like the end of an era.


RR2 said...

Yay! You guys are alive!

Looking forward to reviews and such

Caroline said...

you don't have to tell me tomorrow!
Just because I am 'always slack like this' (thank you ever so much, btw) and haven't written anything for the blog recently doesn't mean that I don't still READ it.

Besides! My absense is soon to end! Well. At least, soon, I'll have a review up. For As Simple As Snow. It's so incredible. I don't think it's that well-known- I'll be curious to see if anyone has actually ever read/heard of it- but it totally deserves to be. Anyway. I'm only a hundred pages in but the review is already formulating itself in my head. I will make myself write/post by the end of the week. And who knows? Maybe it will inspire a whole, fantastic comeback. I hope so.

Sorry about the slackness (to everyone, not just you, who is constantly forced to pick it up)... and, um, the shelf.

love you