Thursday, December 18, 2008


Over at Reviewer X's most amazing blog, she is doing something SUPER-
AWESOME!! As she usually is. Right now, she is doing this thing called Girl Week, which is basically a whirlwind of reviews and author interviews and guest blogs and contests, all relating to feminism. I think this rocks. A lot.

Girl Week also features some really really incredible contests. Such as two of my very favorite series(es? what is the plural of series? any grammer nazis out there?), complete, and SIGNED. Yes. SIGNED.

Go! GO! I direct you to the nifty table of contents.

I'm off to read an interview with Megan McCafferty.


Unknown said...

Hi, it's Book Fanatic from Myspace. I look forward to reading your reviews! My blog is new so I haven't done much with mine yet.

Anonymous said...

The Plural of Series is SERIES