Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Sorry about the lack of reviews of the late, but we're trying to get a special feature set up for the next two weeks when we'll both be off to a summer program. (A post about that on Friday! It's really exciting!).

But right now, you can check out thepageflipper.com where Chelsea's back to having Monthly Contests instead of Fun Fridays.

And there are a few new contests in the sidebar <--, one of which is a contest to win a book by Tina Ferraro over at Words Speak Volumes so check that out.

The Story Siren is out of town (In Disney World!!! Fun!) so there won't be any reviews by her for the next couple of days, but the Author Tales is still on for Thursday as Regina Scott stops by. Also, you should go to her blog to read the post on all this so you can be filled in on an a contest that is soon to come from her. (Also, she now has a domain, thestorysiren.com)

So that's it for now,

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